Linkedin learning

Linkedin Learning все записи на сайте Только проверенные складчины по тегу Linkedin learning
  1. Скачать [linkedin] Основное обучение Gmail (Джесс Стрэттон)

    Курс полностью переведен на русский язык. Узнайте, как использовать все ключевые функции Gmail, бесплатной службы электронной почты от Google. Преподаватель Джесс Стрэттон начинает с основ составления, отправки и ответа на электронную почту. Она рассказывает о том, как оставаться организованным...
  2. Скачать [Lynda] Технологии для дома (Гаррик Чоу, Ник Браззи, Джесс Стреттон)

    Курс полность переведён на русский язык Это все о домоводстве. Этот курс предназначен для всех, кто хочет сделать свою жизнь более продуктивной и веселой. Инструкторы LinkedIn Learning staff Джесс Стрэттон, Гаррик Чоу и Ник Браззи исследуют различные гаджеты, которые они привезли в свои дома...
  3. Norton

    Скачать [Linkedin] Зелёный экран для фото и видео (Ричард Харрингтон, Абба Шапиро)

    Green Screen Techniques for Video and Photography - курс полностью переведён на русский язык. Обучение съемке на зеленом экране имеет множество преимуществ, в том числе отсутствие временных и финансовых ограничений. Вместо того чтобы проводить разведку и съемки на месте, что может быть...
  4. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] OWASP Top 10: #5 Broken Access Control and #6 Security Misconfiguration (Caroline Wong)

    OWASP Top 10: #5 Broken Access Control and #6 Security Misconfiguration Security vulnerabilities should be top of mind when it comes to safely accessing web applications within an organization. There’s always something that can go wrong if you’re not careful, but how do you prepare for a...
  5. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin] OWASP Top 10: #3 Injection and #4 Insecure Design 2022 (Caroline Wong)

    OWASP Top 10: #3 Injection and #4 Insecure Design The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) was formed to provide the public with the resources needed to understand and enhance software security. The OWASP Top 10 list describes the ten biggest vulnerabilities. In this course, Caroline...
  6. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] OWASP Top 10: #1 Broken Access Control and #2 Cryptographic Failures 2022 (Caroline Wong)

    OWASP Top 10: #1 Broken Access Control and #2 Cryptographic Failures No one is immune to security vulnerabilities when it comes to web applications. We all live with the looming possibility that something could go wrong in any instant. That’s why the Open Web Application Security Project...
  7. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] Learning the OWASP Top 10, 2021 (Caroline Wong)

    Learning the OWASP Top 10 No organization—no matter how large or small—is invulnerable to security breaches. What makes all of these systems, and the software that runs them, susceptible to attack? The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) was formed to provide the public with the...
  8. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] React: Building Progressive Web Apps. PWAs 2019 (Eve Porcello)

    React: Building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) Single-page applications may be smooth, quick, and effective—but they disappear when the network connection drops. Progressive web apps (PWAs) work offline, enhancing resilience and allowing developers create seamless user experiences that feel like...
  9. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] React: Building Styles with CSS Modules 2021 (Emmanuel Henri)

    React: Building Styles with CSS Modules React styles and CSS styles haven't always agreed in the use of inline styling. As React development has grown, developers have figured out more and more ways of smoothly integrating and maintaining a style with their code. But with so many options, it...
  10. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] React: Securing Applications 2020 (Emmanuel Henri)

    React: Securing Applications You've built an application around React, using it and other libraries to create a smooth and attractive application. Everything works—but does it work securely? Applications that look great and perform well can still be at risk of attack. This course provides...
  11. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] React: State Management 2019 (Sravanti Tekumalla)

    React: State Management Choosing the right state management solution can be tricky. Developers need to evaluate a variety of options—each with their own trade-offs—and select the right approach for their needs. In this course, instructor Sravanti Tekumalla helps you navigate this process...
  12. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] React: Building Large Apps 2020 (Shaun Wassell)

    React: Building Large Apps Learn about some of the most important tools in the React ecosystem that help you simplify development and manage the complexities of state, side effects, structure, and styling. Instructor Shaun Wassell shows how to create a basic React project, and then explains how...
  13. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] RetroPie: Building a Video Game Console with Raspberry Pi 2017 (Brad Wheeler)

    RetroPie: Building a Video Game Console with Raspberry Pi For fans of retro video games, having the ability to play all the classics on one machine is ideal. If you own a Raspberry Pi—and get a kick out of a good DIY challenge— you can make this a reality by using the open-source RetroPie...
  14. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] Build a Raspberry Pi Media Server 2016 (Brad Wheeler)

    Build a Raspberry Pi Media Server The most popular use of Raspberry Pi is for custom media servers. All you need is a Pi that has access to your entertainment system and a copy of OSMC, an open-source media center "built for the people, by the people." In these tutorials, Brad Wheeler shows how...
  15. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] Raspberry Pi: Home Monitoring and Control 2016 (David Ross)

    Raspberry Pi: Home Monitoring and Control Help your home keep up with you—and stay connected to what's going on when you're away—with a custom home monitoring system built with a Raspberry Pi. With some inexpensive hardware and simple web services, you can monitor your house remotely via photo...
  16. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] Raspberry Pi: GPIO 2020 (Mark Niemann-Ross)

    Raspberry Pi: GPIO The Raspberry Pi talks to the outside world through the general-purpose input/output device, known as the GPIO. In this course, instructor Mark Niemann-Ross describes these pins and explains how to use the GPIO to control lights and motors, read data from sensors, and...
  17. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] Building Web3 Decentralized Apps in Ethereum 2022 (Drew Falkman)

    Building Web3 Decentralized Apps in Ethereum Suggested prerequisites Familiarity with JavaScript and React Comfortable with command-line interfaces Familiarity working in IDEs Blockchain and cryptocurrency technology has exploded in recent years, and the types of things you can now do with...
  18. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] Node.js: Testing and Code Quality 2021 (Jon Peck)

    Node.js: Testing and Code Quality Most software engineers would agree that clean code is easier to maintain than messy code, but what exactly does that look like, and how do go about cleaning up messy code? In this course, Jon Peck shows how to measure quality, implement testing, and measure...
  19. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] React: Authentication 2021 (Shaun Wassell)

    React: Authentication User authentication is a critical part of virtually every website, yet few web developers know all the details behind how it works and how to use it to provide a good user experience. In this course, instructor Shaun Wassell dives into the details behind user...
  20. Аноним

    Скачать [Linkedin Learning] React: Server-Side Rendering 2021 (Emmanuel Henri)

    React: Server-Side Rendering Server-side rendering lets you optimize your applications to use client or server resources depending on network and device circumstances. Old device on a slow network? Render on the server. New device, fast network? You should probably let the client do the work...